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Solution home
Infrastructure to support human genomics data management
Managing human genome data using Gen3
What is Gen3?
What groups in Australia are using Gen3?
How do I establish/deploy a Gen3 instance?
How do I develop a Gen3 data dictionary?
Creating Virtual Cohorts across multiple genomic repositories
Background - Virtual Cohorts
National community needs - Virtual Cohort Assembly (2022)
The GA4GH Beacon protocol which enabled discovery of virtual cohorts across multiple sites
GA4GH Beacon implementation guides
Helping automate the work of Data Access Committees (DACs)
Background - DAC automation
National community needs - DAC Automation (2022)
REMS and its deployment in AWS
Experiences using the REMS (Resource Entitlement Management System) software package
Federated Identity & Access Management (IAM)
Background - Federated Identity and Access
National community needs - Federated IAM (2022)
CILogon and COmanage for federated access management in Australia
CILogon and how it enables identity management
Human Genomic Data and Metadata Archiving
Background - Human Genome Data Archiving